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n. The time or hour at which lunch is normally eaten.

Usage examples of "lunch-time".

Perhaps his lunch-time largess was heartfelt, and in no way meant as a kickback for receiving those 42 cases.

I sorted out a good selection and at lunch-time took it over to Willingforth Primary School where the Headteacher and staff had agreed to mount the material on display boards.

Precious things that Russell had cared for on lunch-times long ago were now corroded, worthless junk.

He approached the bar and the new blond barmaid Neville had taken on for lunch-times turned to greet him.

He wasn’t away from the Silver Moondance long enough, and was definitely at his post both the Tuesday and Wednesday lunch-times and also in the evenings until after midnight.

It was a nice change from the sandwich bar in Charlotte Street, where I played a sort of Rugby scrum each lunch-time with only two Ph.

Before lunch-time the power shovels had skinned off the surface soil from an area about the size of two football fields-some one thousand feet on each side-bigger than a square containing four city blocks.