The Collaborative International Dictionary
Lunarian \Lu*na"ri*an\, n. [See Lunar, Luna.] An inhabitant of the moon.
Usage examples of "lunarian".
The headings of the columns of these tables gave the Lunarian symbols for sine, cosine, tangent, and the like.
UNSA spokesman stated that data collected recently at the Lunar bases, following research at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, and the UNSA Mineralogy and Petrology Laboratories, Pasadena, California, indicate that a large-scale nuclear conflict took place on the Moon at the time the Lunarians were there.
The consequences are incalculable, consequences to our whole race, yours and mine and the Lunarians and your Keiki Moana, everyone.
Terran and Lunarian, for your Keiki Moana, for every mind we know that lives in an organic body.
However, besides his estate, Caraine is engaged in politics, being one of the few Lunarians, especially of Selenarchic descent^ who has condescended to develop parliamentary skills.
Most of the Lunarians wore ordinary garments, although their styles of it-upward-flared collars, short cloaks, dagged skirts, pectoral sunbursts, insignia of phyle or family, colors, iridescences, inset glitterlights, details more fanciful still-would have been florid were it not as natural on them as brilliance on a coral snake.
And always-he harked back to his classical reading-the Lunarian spirit was Lucifer's.
And always—he harked back to his classical reading—the Lunarian spirit was Lucifer’s.
For openers, I admit what's obvious, that they are not a solid bloc, most especially not the Lunarians.
For openers, I admit what’s obvious, that they are not a solid bloc, most especially not the Lunarians.
Lunarian, it could not well be rendered in Terrestrial words, and his knowledge of its native tongue was limited to the practicalities in which all languages are about equal.
The Martians are glad to have you, they cherish you, because by doing Shakespeare or any other of them highfalutin Greeks, you're telling your average Martian rube—and there's nothing rubier than a Martian rube—that he's just as good as a Lunarian.
Speaking for what she called the free folk, Deputy Fia threatened that if this proposed rape of privacy came to the floor, she would lead the Lunarians out, form a rump parliament, and nullify any act that passed.
Lunarian children kept their doings to themselves, and Verdea scorned Earth-gene boys.