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adv. In a lumpy manner.

Usage examples of "lumpily".

Most of it had healed, but the broken bones of his face had mended lumpily, and parts of his face still hung slack from damaged nerves.

And he did not ride lumpily, half asleep as did the tribesman, but rather sat stiffly upright in the saddle and kept glancing from side to side, as if he expected some force to burst upon them out of ambush at any moment.

The dog was eight feet long and four feet high, very lumpily put together, the rolling, snapping head loosely joined to the top-heavy shoulders.

Old breaks had been lumpily covered with blacktop, and the more recent breaks had been ignored.

Sexually, socially, intellectually, fiscally, scientifically irrelevant -- a sack of borrowed atoms lumpily arranged in a Nate shape.

It was dominated by twelve narrow wood bunks stacked in tiers of three, each with a thin bare mattress and a grubby bare pillow lumpily filled with shreds of Styrofoam.

The FATHER sits lumpily in a chair by the fireplace, still dressed but with his collar open.

She and Anne settled down into lumpily uncomfortable lounge chairs upholstered in dusty brocade.

Blood gouted lumpily, like the froth of lava you see in the caldera of a volcano.

His tie was loud and lumpily knotted, his checked jacket clashed with his plaid shirt, and his belt buckle sported a bucking bronco.

I had, and it all rushed out of me at once, as if I was one of those old woodcuts you see, where the wind, lumpily personified in a cloud, blusters at a many-masted galleon.

His tie was loud and lumpily knotted, his checked jacket clashed with his plaid shirt, and his belt buckle sported a bucking bronco.