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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ludwigia (plant)

Ludwigia (primrose-willow, water-purslane, or water-primrose) is a genus of about 82 species of aquatic plants with a cosmopolitan but mainly tropical distribution.


Ludwigia is the generic name of two groups of organisms. It can refer to:

  • Ludwigia (ammonite)
  • Ludwigia (plant)
Ludwigia (ammonite)

Ludwigia is an extinct genus of ammonites in the family Graphoceratidae, which lived during the Middle Jurassic.

Usage examples of "ludwigia".

All that, before a bottle of Chablis smoothed their way for the lobster, butter running down his thumb onto the white tablecloth, before the light and the aerator were installed and the plants submerged in the tank, before another delivery brought more bills and anonymous personalized invitations and a script indecently titled from a playwriting hopeful thirsting for production and before another rushed a lone angelfish in a plasticized transparency to take up residence among the water sprite and Ludwigia and wavering fronds of Spatterdock enveloped in silence and the eerie illumination neither day nor night, spooky was the word for it as his hand glided over her breasts, now could he feel it?