The Luddu are a Rajput clan found mainly in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in India, while the Muslim branch of the tribe is now found in Punjab Pakistan.
The Luddu are found mainly in Una District, HP. India, Nurpur Bedi, Roopnagar, PB. India as well as an area of Kangra,HP. They are of Suryavanshi descent, and according to their traditions, about 2,400 years ago, Bhim Chand, a Surajvanshi Raja of Kangra had a son Susran Chand, who they say was the Susarma of the Mahabharat. Luddu are superior class Rajputs. As such the Luddu are said to have fought on the side of the Kauravas at the famous battle of the Mahabharat. The Luddu founded the principality of Bhabaur, and the tribe also held the Nurpur area. This principality was said to be founded by Khamb Chand, twenty first in descent from Bhim Chand. They use the title Raizada, and are addressed as such. A branch of the clan converted to Islam during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. They were found in what was once the Unna Tehsil of Hoshiarpur District, and emigrated to Pakistan at the time of the partition of India in 1947.
Luddu Rajput fVillages
1. Malahat, Una, Himachal Pradesh 2. Nurpur Bedi and Nangal,Roopnagar, Punjab 3. Dohlran, Mahilpur, District : Hoshiarpur, State : Punjab