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Lud or LUD may refer to:

  • Local usage details, a record of local calls made from and received by a particular phone number
  • Ludic language, a Finnic language spoken in Karelia

Usage examples of "lud".

No matter how many times he caused the temples and churches atop Lud Hill to be razed, Asterion could never discover the labyrinth.

A line of filthy smoke was drawn slowly across the face of New Crobuzon, marking it like a stub of pencil, as a late train went east on the Dexter Line, through Gidd and Barguest Bridge, on over the water towards Lud Fallow and Sedim Junction.

New Crobuzon, marking it like a stub of pencil, as a late train went east on the Dexter Line, through Gidd and Barguest Bridge, on over the water towards Lud Fallow and Sedim Junction.

While Roland and Oy go after Jake, Eddie and Susannah find the Cradle of Lud, where Blaine the Mono awakes.

Lord Vardarus i Boruntas Lud Mirin of Rhiminee, the very letter which sent Lord Vardarus to the block.

I think it may be awhile before I get back to them again, although the fans are going to howl their heads off about that cliffhanger ending on the train out of Lud.