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Lucid Interval

Lucid Interval is the third full-length album released by Cephalic Carnage. It was released in 2002 via Relapse Records. The album was reissued by Relapse Records with a bonus track on September 13, 2011.

Usage examples of "lucid interval".

Possibly he is getting well, but still, time will be wanting to satisfy even the ministry that it is not merely a lucid interval.

The truth is, that for awhile during the present century, and up to something short of forty years ago, we had a lucid interval, and dropped the Republican Simplicity sham, and dressed our foreign representatives in a handsome and becoming official costume.

The only lucid interval in your discourse came when you discussed the Mahler Second Symphony, and that is proba- bly due, as you say, to the fact that you're in the retail audio components business.

The only lucid interval in your discourse came when you discussed the Mahler Second Symphony, and that is probably due, as you say, to the fact that you're in the retail audio components business.

That will really be splendid and Hella says that I happened upon it in a lucid interval.

Let us see, Hogan, whether Sir William is experiencing a lucid interval and can thus understand what verdict is required of him.

On the third day, in a lucid interval, as he lay staring at the wall, Miss Mayfield put in his hand a letter from the company, acknowledging the receipt of the treasure, thanking him for his zeal, and inclosing a handsome check.

In a lucid interval, Huck feebly led up to the subject of taverns, and finally asked –.