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Louis d'or

Louis d'or \Lou"is d'or`\n. [F., gold louis.] Formerly, a gold coin of France nominally worth twenty shillings sterling, but of varying value; -- first struck in 1640.

louis d'or

n. Any number of French coins first introduced by Louis XIII in 1640.

louis d'or

n. a former French gold coin

Louis d'or

The Louis d'or is any number of French coins first introduced by Louis XIII in 1640. The name derives from the depiction of the portrait of King Louis on one side of the coin; the French royal coat of arms is on the reverse. The coin was replaced by the French franc at the time of the revolution and later the similarly valued Napoleon. The actual value of the coins fluctuated according to monetary and fiscal policy (see livre tournois), but in 1726 the value was stabilized.

The 1640 issue of Louis d’or contained five denominations: a half Louis and a one, two, four, and eight Louis. All subsequent issues through 1793 were only denominated in half, one, and two Louis.

Louis d'Or (award)

The Louis d'Or is a Dutch acting award, given annually to the actor with the most impressive leading role of the theater season. It is awarded by the Vereniging van Schouwburg- en Concertgebouwdirecties (VSCD), the main trade organisation for theaters in The Netherlands. The award itself is a golden medal, currently designed by Eric Claus. It was named after the Dutch actor Louis Bouwmeester. It's female counterpart is the Theo d'Or.

The Louis d'Or is awarded annually, along with the other VSCD stage awards, at the Gala of Dutch Theater in the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam.