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losing count

vb. (present participle of lose count English)

Usage examples of "losing count".

He had seen twenty to thirty, losing count but not his concentration.

He was losing count of the number of shocks he had received in the past couple of hours.

They were helped by Georges, but he kept losing count and they grumbled at him irritably.

That's the worst of that kind of imprisonment - not knowing, and losing count of the days, and wondering whether you've been there a month to a year, and whether there is really a world outside at all, and doubting if you ever did more than dream that you were once a boy playing in the fields at Rugby, or a man who'd walked in the Park, or ridden by Albert Gate, saluting the ladies, or played billiards, or followed hounds, or gone up the Mississippi in a side-wheeler, or watched the moon rise over Kuching River, or - you can wonder ii any of it ever existed, or if these greasy .

Khisanth tumbled head-over-tail, losing count after the tenth rotation.

She was mindlessly counting Per's breaths, losing count constantly, but starting again.

Sharpe tried to count the column's front rank, but kept losing count as enemy officers marched slantwise across the column's face.