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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Loose liver

Liver \Liv"er\, n.

  1. One who, or that which, lives.

    And try if life be worth the liver's care.

  2. A resident; a dweller; as, a liver in Brooklyn.

  3. One whose course of life has some marked characteristic (expressed by an adjective); as, a free liver.

    Fast liver, one who lives in an extravagant and dissipated way.

    Free liver, Good liver, one given to the pleasures of the table.

    Loose liver, a person who lives a somewhat dissolute life.

Usage examples of "loose liver".

Shem's bodily getup, it seems, included an adze of a skull, an eight of a larkseye, the whoel of a nose, one numb arm up a sleeve, fortytwo hairs off his uncrown, eighteen to his mock lip, a trio of barbels from his megageg chin (sowman's son), the wrong shoulder higher than the right, all ears, an artificial tongue with a natural curl, not a foot to stand on, a handful of thumbs, a blind stomach, a deaf heart, a loose liver, two fifths of two buttocks, one gleetsteen avoirdupoider for him, a manroot of all evil, a salmonkelt's thinskin, eelsblood in his-cold toes, a bladder tristended, so much so that young Master Shemmy on his very first debouch at the very dawn of protohistory seeing himself such and such, when playing with thistlewords in their garden nursery, Griefotrofio, at Phig Streat III Shuvlin, Old Hoeland, (would we go back there now for sounds, pillings and sense?

I cowered there, shivering, my jaw open and my tongue hanging down like a long streak of loose liver.

Though a loose liver among his guests, the governor was a strict disciplinarian among his men.