Long Vacation (ロングバケーション, also known as ロンバケ) is a Japanese television drama series from Fuji Television, first shown in Japan from 15 April to 24 June 1996. Takuya Kimura and Tomoko Yamaguchi played the lead characters. The series enjoyed high ratings and was the earliest of a series of hit productions starring Kimura. It features music by Cagnet.
Usage examples of "long vacation".
Jo moves on, through the long vacation, down to Blackfriars Bridge, where he finds a baking stony corner, wherein to settle to his repast.
He had been as cool and relaxed as a man about to leave on a long vacation the last time he had seen him.
I honestly believe that Ecker was sent out to frighten me while I was away on what Waverley Graceworthy thought was a long vacation.
In late June that summer, his parents took him over to England so they could all spend the long vacation together there before Terry joined Mike at school.
Hed told Elisabeth the Prideful Sue had returned to Earthsystem on very big and very hush-hush business, something he wasnt free to talk about, and that if the deal was concluded successfully he might be taking a long vacation from spacefaring.
He'd told Elisabeth the Prideful Sue had returned to Earthsystem on very big and very hush-hush business, something he wasn't free to talk about, and that if the deal was concluded successfully he might be taking a long vacation from spacefaring.
And the Grand Prize on each show was an all-expense-paid, top-of-the-line month-long vacation on Havanagas.