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lolly scramble

n. (context NZ English) An event where lollies are thown on the ground for children to pick up, often at parades or school galas.

Lolly Scramble

Lolly Scramble: A Memoir of Little Consequence, published in 2005, is collection of autobiographical essays by New Zealand-Australian comedian Tony Martin. A second volume, A Nest of Occasionals, appeared in 2009.

The people mentioned in the book are not referred to by their real names.

Lolly Scramble (disambiguation)

Lolly Scramble may refer to:

  • Lolly Scramble, a book written by Tony Martin
  • Lolly Scramble, a phrase commonly heard in Australia and New Zealand referring to a children’s party game in which candies are scattered on the floor and children scramble to get their share.
  • Lolly Scramble packaged assorted sweets made by Pascall (company), available in New Zealand only.
  • Lolly Scramble, (slang) outside of New Zealand, uttered when hitting one's friend in the testicles.