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logging off

vb. (present participle of log off English)

Usage examples of "logging off".

But now, he assured them, the trouble was all over and when the papers were served there would be nothing to keep them from logging off Deep Creek.

By a quarter to eight, Maria was thinking about logging off and grabbing some food.

The flickers and twitterings were users -- or mostly, their agents -- logging on, depositing or retrieving information, logging off.

So the Jag's routnes could run on Bolt and Bolt's could run on the Jag When he disconnected from the ship, it usually felt like the mental equivalent of logging off a computer.

Whoever had last used the datapad had finished by turning off the holopad instead of logging off the computer.

Perhaps the last thing he did before logging off was to try to pull up Lori Petersen's case, out of curiosity, if for no other reason.

Sak was keying out his watch, which was not quite the same as logging off.

After logging off Worldwide Stock Market, he dialed the main computer of the California Multi-Agency Task Force on Computer Crime.