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lock out

n. An event in which an employer bars employees from working as a tactic in negotiating terms of employment, particularly in response to a strike or threat to strike. vb. 1 To prevent from entering a place, particularly oneself, inadvertently. 2 (context computing English) To prevent from accessing a data structure.

lock out

v. prevent employees from working during a strike

Lock out (film)

Lock Out is the title of a 1973 full-length film by Spanish artist and director Antoni PadrĂ³s.

The recently restored film is an allegory of political oppression under Franco, with a plot alternating between narrative sequences and dream-like moments styled after the Spanish avant garde. Padros employs a range of musical forms including opera, scores, and choreography to underscore a plot featuring a group of dropouts living in a junkyard, who try to re-integrate with "The System" as represented by a party. Anarchy and absurdism are the stylistic veils covering this harsh criticism of the Franco regime.

Usage examples of "lock out".

They'd worked hard to lock out the nightmares from their childhood: why would they want to relive them?

Trystin's mind continued to work, running through the Temple's net system until he had the overrides well in hand, including the locks on the control systems-someone had designed the system to be able to lock out the technicians in the upper booths .

Gradually though, he worked his way in closer and closer to her slip, and little mental alarms began going off as she watched him and the way he kept glancing at her lock out of the corner of his eye.

Gradually though, he worked his way in doser and closer to her slip, and litde mental alarms began going off as she watched him and the way he kept glancing at her lock out of the corner of his eye.

He strained to remember Bunnys codethe bank would lock out for two hours if he made a mistakebut his first try worked.

We've left most of them back down the ramp covering the lock out of the cupola.

When it comes to login attempt failures, the administrator account IS NEVER locked out after a certain number of login attempts (this rule ALWAYS applies), also by default, when windows NT is installed, NONE of the accounts have fail login attempt lock out.

He carried everything concerning us in a separate memory bank under a locked signal programmed only to our three voices, and, since flesh is weak, we added a signal under which any of us could lock out other two in emergency.