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loaf of bread

n. a shaped mass of baked bread [syn: loaf]

Usage examples of "loaf of bread".

A pile of wheat had been tossed on top of the case and the open loaf of bread.

She bustled through a pack until she brought out a block of cheese and a half-loaf of bread and handed him both.

Giller took the loaf of bread she had stolen from the kitchen and broke it in half.

A dollar for a human bought a loaf of bread that was eaten in a few bites.

Without words, he offered Nicci half the rice and beans poured into the crust of one end of his loaf of bread.

People almost look the other way when it's a loaf of bread or a few pieces of fruit.

For a time, the mage watched the street, finishing the warm loaf of bread as he did.