n. Alternative form of '''(l gd living room)'''.
n. a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax [syn: living room, sitting room, front room, parlor, parlour]
Usage examples of "living-room".
He pulled into the driveway 101 Rita Clay Estrada and turned off the ignition, then stared at the living-room windows, but gauzy curtains filtered his view of the room, making it look magical.
The floors of hall and living-room were strewn with fresh-cut rushes, an obsolescent custom which served here alike to save the heavy cost of carpets and to lend the place an ancient baronial dignity.
In the middle of the night, as it seemed to Rudel, he woke and heard a loud noise in the living-room below.
Asian moonlight, the three coins Suk had dropped glowed dully on the living-room floor of the Master of Sinanju.
Its living-room was an immense annulus of glass from which, by merely moving along its circular length, any desired view could be had.
I turned into the living-room, toward an empty chair, glancing at Mannie and Jack.
She made her way back through the bluish flickering darkness to the living-room, and eyed the paraffin stove.
As the women police-officers filed past her into the ground-floor living-room, where the children were still in their pyjamas watching television, one of the officers explained that they had come to search the premises for pornographic material following a serious allegation of child abuse.
She made no reply and backed away toward the door of the living-room, finishing the last strip of unscoured floor before she even replied.
The question was addressed without preliminary as the living-room door opened and the Duchess of Croydon appeared, three of the Bedlington terriers enthusiastically at her heels.
In the long summer evenings, when Dan Scott was making up his accounts in the store, or studying his pocket cyclopaedia of medicine in the living-room of the Post, with its low beams and mysterious green-painted cupboards, Pichou would lie contentedly at his feet.
It was long, the living-room, with a pitched ceiling, and a big old-fashioned fireplace with brass firedogs and brass-handled irons.
Inside, he laid Kerrie on the living-room couch and wrapped her in a lavender comforter, tucking it around her tightly, warmly.
It was as though this whole Meadows empire which he had so carefully rebuilt out of the chaos was a castle of playing cards on a living-room rug, and John Tinker was a two-year-old playing in the same room, willful, destructive and unpredictable.
To them the thrill of being in the same space, breathing the same air, as the famous John Tinker Meadows and his sister, Mary Margaret Meadows, was only slightly dimmed by their being such tiny figures so far away, unlike the living-room screen at home.