n. (plural of living language English)
Usage examples of "living languages".
Hitherto we have never set ourselves to the deliberate creation of words, and all living languages have grown slowly and haphazard.
Like all living languages, English is changing slowly but constantly in pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax.
You speak living languages without difficulty, it seems -- had you not the grace to pay heed, d--n your skin, to the only languages that matter?
Even if one leaves aside extinct writing systems and languages (and living languages spoken by very small numbers of people) there remaintwenty-seven actively used writing systems and hundreds of languages.
Was it similar to one of the living languages of Earth and had he heard it on a recording or perhaps in a movie?
I consider, then, that boys are better educated abroad than in England, and acquire much more correctly the living languages, which are of more use to them than the classics.
There was a rule to learn about this, but, as in all living languages, the rule had many exceptions.
All this is necessary to enable a young man of twenty to find doors everywhere open to him to be received everywhere on an equal footing, to be able to speak and to write three or four living languages, to make long, expensive, and instructive sojourns in foreign lands, to select and vary his position in the different branches of the public service, without pay or nearly so, and with no object in view but that of his political culture Thus brought up a man, even of common capacity, is worthy of being consulted.