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living fossils

n. (plural of living fossil English)

Usage examples of "living fossils".

We know all there is to know about Elvis and Liberace, not to mention such living fossils as Sinatra and Bob Hope and Don Rickles and Wayne Newton -- but Dean Martin?

Species and groups of species, which are called aberrant, and which may fancifully be called living fossils, will aid us in forming a picture of the ancient forms of life.

Perhaps, Zeyd thought, with a tingle through his nerves, we are not quite living fossils after all.

Perhaps,Zeyd thought, with a tingle through his nerves, we are not quite living fossils after all.

They did this in full knowledge that most of the galaxy and even their own homeworlds would eventually look on them and their descendants as living fossils, but they were comfortable with that destiny, and so far, we have been able to sustain it, with varying degrees of dedication.

Do they stay frozen at their present level while the rest of the human race moves on past them, until they are living fossils, as out of place as a pithecanthropus in a spaceship?

Long enough for many new planets to be colonized, long enough to establish an interstellar communications web, long enough to discover new branches of science totally unknown to the living fossils—.

His instincts are living fossils from the paleolithic, when men hunted large, dangerous animals, and frequently were killed.

At any rate, Don took his degree in biology, and his doctorate thesis was on the survival of archetypal, genes in living fossils like coelacanths and king crabs and ginkgos.

Yes, and it was easy for our parents to buy the fealty of these living fossils from the family past.

But a few survive as living fossils in the regions south of my city, in the vast estuaries of the River Laar where the long-necked sea monsters come to bask and breed.