n. The conditions in which someone lives, seen in terms of their sanitary value, social status etc.
"Living Conditions" is the second episode of season 4 of the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy becomes convinced that her annoying roommate is evil, but her friends think she is crazy.
Usage examples of "living conditions".
This is surely true, and the fact that human culture can consciously either accord with the biosphere (living conditions) or deviate from it shows precisely that culture is not in all ways the same thing as the biosphereit is differentiated from it in some significant ways, even though it depends upon it for its own existence.
The mystique behind these writers, I suppose, is the class war, the hope of a better future, the struggle of the working class against miserable living conditions.
Even so, those vessels were in comparatively good shape compared to the appalling living conditions of those whose misfortune it was to serve aboard those ships.
They say they want to help 'the people,' but their efforts have succeeded in lowering overall living conditions, reducing educational standards, and sharply curtailing individual freedom.
The odds against the health and lives of the merchantmen surviving, respectively, their living conditions and the attentions of the enemy were high indeed: theirs was a classic no-win situation.
While crews' wages were cut and living conditions reduced to barely subsistence levels, the owners grew fat, as did some of the less desirable directors of those companies and a considerable number of carefully hand-picked and favoured shareholders.
Had his living conditions changed as a consequence of home remodeling or the deterioration of his neighborhood?
Irrigation agriculture and fish farming provide ideal living conditions for the snails carrying schistosomiasis and for flukes that burrow through our skin as we wade through the feces-laden water.
Yet, all the while, my living conditions were far from easy, my own funds being small and my family not having the means to aid me as they would have liked to do.
Eponine had shrugged when Nicole asked her if the crowded living conditions bothered her.
Conway climbed into the appropriate protective garment-a simple diving suit in this instance-and went through the lock into the tank of green, tepid water which reproduced the being's living conditions.