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adv. In a way that is livid.


adv. in a livid manner

Usage examples of "lividly".

He had slumped on to a bench and was staring lividly at his bedroom slippers.

His thin face was a mask of agony, and the scar of the Iron Confessor was lividly white.

Above that terrible nesting-place of gloom the stories of the mute houses were lividly outlined.

Jean Valjean seemed made of shadow, and Javert of stone, and in that vehicle full of night, whose interior, every time that it passed in front of a street lantern, appeared to be turned lividly wan, as by an intermittent flash of lightning, chance had united and seemed to be bringing face to face the three forms of tragic immobility, the corpse, the spectre, and the statue.

Trembling, he wrenched away from Covenant, then spun back to point lividly toward the stone column and shout, "There!

Trembling, he wrenched away from Covenant, then spun back to point lividly toward the stone column and shout, “There!

The images of Cambridge disappeared and the Fellows found themselves staring lividly at Skullion who sat firmly in his seat in the studio.

Vic looked as lividly angry as I’d ever seen him, Pauli as expressionless as a concrete block.

Beating upward in streaming comet trails of heat, the flying dragons lividly paled the sun with their shimmering radiance.