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little terror

n. a very troublesome child [syn: terror, brat, holy terror]

Usage examples of "little terror".

It is true that the besiegers were in a humor which inspired so little terror that the besieged held out their hands to them.

Everyone joined in the search, but their black-haired little terror was nowhere to be found.

A futile desire to help the little terror-ridden tribe was rising in him, a useless gratitude for their warning and their friendliness, their genuine grieving at his departure and their odd, paradoxical bravery even in the midst of hereditary terror.

It was not elegant, for one thing, and, for another, there would be little terror in it for Tomkin: just the brief moments he would be airborne, the hot wind in his face while the rubble of the sidewalk reached up for him.

White Bow, in summer weight doeskins, seemed oblivious, and Wolf thought with no little terror of his mastery over fire.