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little owls

n. (plural of little owl English)

Usage examples of "little owls".

Okay, I know we're just talking about a few puny little owls, and I know everybody is crazy about Mother Paula's pancakes, but what's happening out there is just plain wrong.

Right at the heart of the foliage was a thick dead limb with a deep weather-spread crack in it, and wedged there was a female of the type known as Little Owls.

Some day, when I have completed my collection of native owls, I am going to import one of those pretty little owls from Greece.

The fire died down to coals and Joseph heard the coyotes crying in the hills, and he heard the little owls go shrieking by, and all about him he heard the field mice scattering in the grass.

All the stock of songbirds and little owls went, though, tagged in their wicker cages.