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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lithophagous \Li*thoph"a*gous\, a. [Litho- + Gr. ? to eat.] (Zo["o]l.)

  1. Eating or swallowing stones or gravel, as the ostrich.

  2. Eating or destroying stone; -- applied to various animals which make burrows in stone, as many bivalve mollusks, certain sponges, annelids, and sea urchins. See Lithodomus.


a. 1 (context zoology English) Eating or swallowing stones or gravel. 2 (context zoology English) Eating or destroying stone, like some mollusks, sponges, annelids, and sea urchins.

Usage examples of "lithophagous".

Bacteria survived, many of them lithophagous, and a few hundred species of worm and crustacean.