n. mineral water that contains lithium salts. Used to treat an array of mental health problems, including depression, aggression, and learning disabilities.
n. mineral water containing lithium salts
Lithia water is defined as a type of mineral water characterized by the presence of lithium salts (as lithium carbonate or lithium chloride). Natural lithia mineral spring waters are rare and there are few commercially bottled lithia water products. An example of a noncommercial lithia water can be found in Ashland, Oregon's Lithia Park, a popular tourist attraction because of its lithia water fountain. The water is pumped from a spring to a fountain where thousands of people come to drink the water for its alleged health benefits. An example of a commercially bottled lithia spring water product is Lithia brand water. One other example of lithia water is Bear-lithia water, a mineral water from Bear-Lithia Springs, Virginia. It contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
Usage examples of "lithia water".
BAYLEY'S LITHIA WATER, cures Bright's disease and the gouty diathesis.