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n. (plural of literature English)

Usage examples of "literatures".

All we thought of asking was that allowance should be made for this expression and these peculiarities, as it would be made in case of other literatures and peoples.

Fresh from the communion with great thoughts in great literatures, he is in haste to give mankind the benefit of them, and lead it on into new enthusiasm and new conquests.

Their affiliation is rather with the new literatures of France, of Russia, of Spain, than with the modern fiction of England.

Greek and Roman literatures, in the works of the philosophers, poets, and historians.

English literature, like other literatures, is full of battle-poems, but it is worth noticing that the ones that have won for themselves a kind of popularity are always a tale of disasters and retreats.

That clever and unhappy man lived in admiration of a vague violence, and was always going back to rude old tales and rude old ballads, to strong and primitive literatures, to find the praise of strength and the justification of tyranny.