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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Liquorish \Liq"uor*ish\, a. See Lickerish. [Obs.]


a. (context obsolete English) lecherous

Usage examples of "liquorish".

These the gravest men, after a full meal of serious meditation, often allow themselves by way of dessert: for which purpose, certain books and pictures find their way into the most private recesses of their study, and a certain liquorish part of natural philosophy is often the principal subject of their conversation.

For all so sure as cold engenders hail, A liquorish mouth must have a liquorish tail.

If he had not had some of his inhibitions washed away in the liquorish flood, he might have been overwhelmingly repulsed.

Thomas Marvel as a person of copious, flexible visage, a nose of cylindrical protrusion, a liquorish, ample, fluctuating mouth, and a beard of bristling eccentricity.

You may imagine his alarm, and for a reason less fanciful than that his woods may be infested with liquorish beasts.

Is it because a liquorish palate, or a sweet-tooth, as they call it, is not consistent with the sanctity of his character?

He was merely crass of fibre and function - thoughtless, careless, and liquorish, as his easily avoidable accident proves, and without that modicum of imagination which holds the average citizen within certain limits fixed by taste.

This, of course, must be Zadok Allen, the half-crazed, liquorish nonagenarian whose tales of old Innsmouth and its shadow were so hideous and incredible.

Brown had in the mean time agreed the terms with this liquorish old goat, which I afterwards understood were to be fifty guineas peremptory for the liberty of attempting me, and a hundred more at the compleat gratification of his desires, in the triumph over my virginity: and as for me, I was to be left entirely at the discretion of his liking and generosity.

He was merely crass of fibre and function--thoughtless, careless, and liquorish, as his easily avoidable accident proves, and without that modicum of imagination which holds the average citizen within certain limits fixed by taste.

And Cristobel was staring at Rafe, a little liquorish smile playing around her mouth.

Luna her husband on an ev'ning late Empoison'd had, for that she was his foe: Lucia liquorish lov'd her husband so, That, for he should always upon her think, She gave him such a manner* love-drink, *sort of That he was dead before it were the morrow: And thus algates* husbands hadde sorrow.