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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Linnaean \Lin*n[ae]"an\, Linnean \Lin*ne"an\ (l[i^]n*n[=e]"an), a. Of or pertaining to Linn[ae]us, the celebrated Swedish botanist.

Linn[ae]an system, Linnean system (Bot.), the system in which the classes of plants are founded mainly upon the number of stamens, and the orders upon the pistils; the artificial or sexual system.

  1. Redirect Linnean

Usage examples of "linnaean".

Although he was an active and respected member of the Linnaean Society and employed Linnaean principles in his new scheme, Howard chose the rather more obscure Askesian Society as the forum to announce his new system of classification.

The venue they settled on was a meeting of the Linnaean Society, which at the time was struggling to find its way back into fashion as a seat of scientific eminence.

When the Royal Society bestowed on him the prestigious Copley Medal it was for his geology, zoology, and botany, not evolutionary theories, and the Linnaean Society was similarly pleased to honor Darwin without embracing his radical notions.

Tailing him was easy because he hunched into the rain with his head down and, except when he crossed Linnaean in front of me to head down Mass.

She walked to the window and stared down at Saturday morning on Linnaean Street.

When we pulled into the driveway off Linnaean Street, Susan was sitting on the front steps of the big, five-colored painted-lady Victorian house where she lived and worked.

I was sitting on the top step of the front porch, watching people walk by on Linnaean Street, with Susan next to me and Hawk on the other side of her.

Still I have not succeeded in describing the immense labour there was in learning to distinguish plants on the Linnaean system.

Though he was entirely self-taught, never learned Latin, and had scant understanding of Linnaean classifications, he was a prize plant collector, with an uncanny knack for finding and recognizing unknown species.

It was thanks to these amateur interests that Howard became acquainted with the Linnaean System.

Taking one of the flowers from the bunch, Asenath, as they slowly walked forward, proceeded to dissect it, explained the mysteries of stamens and pistils, pollen, petals, and calyx, and, by the time they had reached the village, had succeeded in giving him a general idea of the Linnaean system of classification.

Buffon criticized the Linnaean method for relying upon characters so tenuous that it rendered the use of the microscope unavoidable.

Each morning he had driven her into Cambridge to drop her off at the Peabody School on Linnaean Street and each afternoon she had been picked up by her mother the moment school ended at two-thirty.

Shorty went down without a sound and the gun skittered into Linnaean Street.

Cambridge cruiser to come whooping down Linnaean Street with its siren on and the blue light flashing.