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bgcolor="#efefef" colspan=2 align="center"|Linienschiffsleutnant
in Austria-Hungary |-----

align="center" colspan=2 style="border-bottom:2px solid gray;font-size:smaller" |

Sleeve braid


Rank insignia

Austro-Hungarian Navy |-----


19th century |-----

Rank group

Commissioned officers |-----

Army / Air Force

Hauptmann |-----


Linienschiffsleutnant<!-- == |-----

bgcolor="#efefef" rowspan=2| Lower:

Seekadett |-----

Fregattenleutnant== --> |-----


OF-1a |-----

Linienschiffsleutnant ( Hun: Fregatthadnagy / en: translation Ship-of-the-line lieutenant) was an officer rank in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. It was equivalent to Hauptmann of the Austro-Hungarian Army, as well to Kapitänleutnant of the Imperial German Navy. Pertaining to the modern day's NATO rank code it could be comparable to OF-2.

The rank designation was used continuously in the Austria-Hungarian follow on countries Yugoslavia, Croatia, and Slovenia, as well as in the modern day´s Austrian merchant navy.

The rank name was selected in line to the division of war ships to specific ship categories early of the 19th century, e.g. corvette (de: Korvette), frigate (de: Fregatte), and to ship of the line (de: Linienschiff). In the Austro-Hungarian Navy the appropriate rank designations were derived as follows.

  • Korvettenkapitän OF-3 (equivalent: to Heer Major)
  • Fregattenkapitän OF-4 (equivalent: to Heer Oberstleutnant)
  • Linienschiffskapitän OF5; (equivalent: to deutsche Marine Kapitän zur See / Heer Oberst)

According to that systematic the rank designations to subaltern – or junior officers were derived as follows:

  • Korvettenleutnant OF-1b (equivalent to deutsche Marine Leutnant zur See Heer: Leutnant)
  • Fregattenleutnant OF-1a (equivalent to deutsche Marine Oberleutnant zur See / Heer: Oberleutnant)
  • Linienschiffsleutnant OF-2 (equivalent to deutsche Marine Kapitänleutnant / Heer: Hauptmann)

This sequence of ranks can be found in the today´s naval forces of Croatia, and Slovenia.

junior rank

(k.u.k. Kriegsmarine rank)
' Linienschiffsleutnant'

senior rank