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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a lingering/nagging doubt (=one that does not go away)
▪ I still had a nagging doubt that there might be something seriously wrong.
a long/lingering kiss
▪ He gave her a a long, slow, lingering kiss.
▪ She was niggled by a lingering doubt that she might have played her cards badly.
▪ However, there is still a lingering doubt about the justification for such a rise.
▪ Dennis's unwitting participation in our mating was so exciting that we soon overcame any lingering doubts about the risks involved.
lingering questions about the assassination
▪ Dad suffers from the lingering effects of radiation treatments
▪ For years, Mexico's primary feeling toward the US was one of lingering resentment.
▪ If he had any lingering doubts about the marriage, he did not show it.
▪ She had a lingering sense of guilt for some time after breaking off her relationship with Henry.
▪ What will be the lingering images of the Sydney Olympic Games?
▪ Carcasses are left to rot, while deer wounded by poor marksmen suffer lingering deaths.
▪ He clasped the royal hand and plastered it with three lingering kisses.
▪ If he had any lingering memories, which was almost impossible to credit, they would not match what he now encountered.
▪ It kills off lingering Tory hopes the economy is poised for recovery.
▪ She was niggled by a lingering doubt that she might have played her cards badly.
▪ Slow lingering illnesses may require only one remedy a day or less.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Linger \Lin"ger\ (l[i^][ng]"g[~e]r), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Lingered (l[i^][ng]"g[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Lingering.] [OE. lengen to tarry, AS. lengan to prolong, put off, fr. lang long. [root]125. See Long,

  1. ] To delay; to loiter; to remain or wait long; to be slow or reluctant in parting or moving; to be slow in deciding; to be in suspense; to hesitate.

    Nor cast one longing, lingering look behind.

    Perhaps thou linger'st, in deep thoughts detained.

    Syn: To loiter; lag; saunter; delay; tarry; stop; hesitate.


Lingering \Lin"ger*ing\, a.

  1. Delaying.

  2. Drawn out in time; remaining long; protracted; as, a lingering disease.

    To die is the fate of man; but to die with lingering anguish is generally his folly.


n. 1 An act of lingering or waiting. 2 That which lingers; a remnant. vb. (present participle of linger English)


adj. continuing for a long time; "a lingering sense of guilt" [syn: lingering(a)]


n. the act of tarrying [syn: tarriance]

Usage examples of "lingering".

From The Hague, John Adams promised to be with them in a matter of days, but warned that there could be no lingering in London.

Any lingering questions about their construction could be answered then by the aliens themselves.

None of the other players at the table had succeeded in capturing the wandering spirit of good fortune, but for the cachet of lingering near a celebrity like Ianthe Apeiron they continued to make their wagers.

Of these, Ravenna had been the last to withdraw, lingering while she fashioned the Ions, one great beast for every land: the starhorse Avarclon for the white plain of Avaric, the cockatrice of Elver, the gryphon of Terrain.

But their wants soon reduced them to stock-raiding and other predatory practices, with the result that in the end the whole countryside made common cause against them, and so the last phase of the fratricidal struggle deteriorated into a man hunt away in the backblocks north of Perth and the southern districts, full of heroic incidents, but devoid of historical interest except as far as serving, by reason of its sordidness and cruelty, to extinguish thoroughly any lingering sympathy which the coastal population might still cherish for the lost cause of Western Australia.

After the war, the United States maintained a small naval task force in the area based in Bahrain in support of the lingering British military presence.

Papa Schimmelhorn cast one last lingering look at the pair of Balinese, and mutely shook Little Anton by the hand.

I make sure to fill his wineglass with an excellent Barbaresco he keeps thanking me with a nod and a relaxed smile, his eyes lingering on mine, only sometimes distracted by the lights and cameras and various assistants swirling around us.

Never before had she observed Indians lingering in the forest around her house, performing birdcalls for the fun of it.

Vanora gave Bors a heavy, lingering kiss and a penetrating look filled with erotic promise, then got up and began to meander languidly across the yard.

Brief brushes, lip to lip, never lingering, teasing her into wanting more.

She dies of long and lingering disease: yet SHE is in fault, SHE is the criminal, SHE the froward and untamable child,--and society, forsooth, the pure and virtuous matron, who casts her as an abortion from her undefiled bosom!

Blade saw that the Second Neuter had arrived and was lingering in the background, along with a Lieutenant and a squad of ceboid soldiers.

During the past three 58 COME TO CASTLEMOOR days he had come out to the house every afternoon, lingering long after the sun went down, and once he and Bella had gone for a stroll that lasted a good two hours.

They all bade Condy good-night and took themselves away, Howard lingering a moment in the door in the hope of the nickel he dared not ask for.