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adv. In a limp manner, without support or resistance.


adv. without rigidity; "the body was hanging limply from the tree"

Usage examples of "limply".

Philas, her face drab and empty, her hair lying limply against her angular skull, looked to Adda as if she had nothing left to lose anyway.

Then as I hauled inexorably a nose appeared, then a head, then all of the big animal hanging limply by his collar.

He looked unconcerned, almost amused, with Carnie leaning limply against him, but his left hand was clenched, the thumb moving up and down as if he were clicking the sparker.

His legs also hung limply, the toes of his boots pointed down like twin anchors, pulling him steadily to the bottom, past the blind eyes of the elongated eellike creatures that were swimming past, their mouths yawning open as they sifted through the brine for microscopic bits of plankton.

A good two hundred cubits short of the browned grasses that covered the ridge line ahead, grasses that hung limply in the morning light, Fornal slowed his mount, then nodded to the subofficer.

As he did so a third Khamba dropped, and began to roll limply down the slope.

The milkfish was dead by now and floating limply, so I tried jerking the spear to approximate life.

Thady Boy limply weaving in their midst, and set out to take his ollave to bed.

I make for it with a strong sidestroke, Lamorak trailing limply by my belt.

Now the ropes hung loosely from the spars and canvas limply from the yards.

The creature sank limply to the ground and Bradley scrambled to his feet.

Instantly the clawlike fingers released their hold, and the creature sank limply to the floor beside Bradley, who lay for several minutes gasping painfully in an effort to regain his breath.

Even in that shadow world of the warehouse he could see that enormous sections of leathery hide sagged limply clear of the bulkiest part of the long body.

Something dark, ropelike, hit the blade of that, dropped limply away again, severed.

They passed several still living vaada standing in openings, dull-eyed and indifferent, their carapaces mucky and scratched, their top arms dangling limply in front of their tilted thoraxes, their mid-arms tucked up tight.