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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Limning \Lim"ning\ (l[i^]m"n[i^]ng or l[i^]m"[i^]ng), n. The act, process, or art of one who limns; the picture or decoration so produced.

Adorned with illumination which we now call limning.


Limn \Limn\ (l[i^]m), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Limned (l[i^]md); p. pr. & vb. n. Limning (l[i^]m"n[i^]ng or l[i^]m"[i^]ng).] [OE. limnen, fr. luminen, for enluminen, F. enluminer to illuminate, to limn, LL. illuminare to paint. [root]122. See Illuminate, Luminous.]

  1. To draw or paint; especially, to represent in an artistic way with pencil or brush.

    Let a painter carelessly limn out a million of faces, and you shall find them all different.
    --Sir T. Browne.

  2. Hence: To picture in words; to describe in graphic terms.

  3. To illumine, as books or parchments, with ornamental figures, letters, or borders.


n. A depiction. vb. (present participle of limn English)


n. a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects [syn: delineation, depiction, line drawing]

Usage examples of "limning".

Moonlight glinted softly off the surface of the Amur, limning the cluster of islands at the confluence with the Ussuri.

As the promise of the sun brightened the eastern sky, limning the crags with its pale glow, the griffins sank down on the sunning stone.

The cloud flowed aside for a moment and Peter saw the sun setting over distant tepuis, limning their silhouettes like the hulks of ancient ships carved from dirty ice.

Out of the country twinned and murderous in a spring of stars let the word bind the body to the wind of the senses bind the invisible nerve of the air bind and loose jess and unfetter the blank and awaiting country here in a season of hawks and O may the word upon word engender past fear and sleep may it ride limning the imagined life of the planets Gilean and Sirrion book and flame here at the Alchemist's Gate where the sound of our singing assembles, dissembles, weaving a veil over nothing.