Crossword clues for limbers
n. a channel or gutter on either side of a ship's keelson; carries bilge water into the pump well
Usage examples of "limbers".
It had been sacked once by Northern troops, destroyed again by retreating Confederates, then hastily rebuilt by Northern contractors, so that now there were acres of gaunt, raw-timbered warehouses standing between rail sidings and weed-filled meadows that were crammed with guns and limbers and caissons and portable forges and ambulances and wagons.
The Major backed his horse through the gunline, where the cannons were all spiked and the limbers burning.
Two limbers, four caissons, and three wagons were burned out and at least six horses taken.
The guns could not be worked, and yet they could not be removed, for every effort to bring up teams from the shelter where the limbers lay ended in the death of the horses.
With scratch teams from the limbers, driven by single gunners, the twelve-pounders staggered out of action, and the skirmish line of mounted infantry sprang to their feet amid the hail of bullets to cheer them as they passed.
The French attack did, at least, stop the Riflemen firing at the gunners, and those artillerymen who survived crawled out from the shelter of their limbers to continue the loading.
Tumbrils and caissons, limbers and ambulances, wagons and more wagons, the horses and oxen dipping their heads with the effort of hauling their loads under the hot Spanish sun.
The roads from the city were loud with the galloping limbers that brought new ammunition to feed the guns that hammered at the killing ground.
A French gunner Colonel, seeing his northern battery taken, shouted for the limbers and horses.
Onto that road the whole of the French army, with more than twenty thousand camp-followers, three thousand wagons and over a hundred and fifty guns and limbers, was trying to reach safety.
Oxen, horses, carriages, wagons, carts, cannon, howitzers, portable forges, ambulances and limbers, all were trapped between the road block and the British.
The six field guns, with their limbers, had been dragged into the fort where they were objects of much curiosity to the seamen.
Frederickson used the limbers to collect barrels from the village that he filled with clean water from the small stream.
They had scoured the mill of its work-party, exploded the limbers, but they could have done much better.
The gunners had parked their limbers and ammunition wagons in the field behind Sharpe.