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like an amateur

adv. in an amateurish manner; "he performed the piece amateurishly" [syn: amateurishly] [ant: expertly]

Usage examples of "like an amateur".

Decker knew without conceit that he was at least as good as any other human on this new console, but this was more like an amateur yielding a keyboard to an artist.

You're the only one who can, Brian's far too clever to be caught like an amateur.

It's so damn deep and filled with so many contradictions it makes Treadstone Seventy-one look like an amateur effort - which it wasn't.

The fact that he was here and the gear he was carrying indicated a lot of experience in the Game, but he talked like an amateur, a first timer who was still so wrapped up in the technology that he couldn't keep his mind on his role.

But as implausible as it seemed, although the enemy pilot had first moved like an amateur, he was now appearing more and more like an expert.

The picture was black-and-white, the image off angle on the page, like an amateur, homemade print.

But then I realized that what looked like an amateur killing would be a perfect cover for a professional one.

They know when you've been bad or good, and they make Santa Claus look like an amateur.