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Liješće (Brod)

Liješće is a village in the municipality of Brod, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This village is about 400 years old. About 2000 people live there. The most famous families in the Lijesce are Jelic and Sukurma.

Liješće (Ozalj)

Liješće is a settlement in Croatia, part of the Ozalj municipality in Karlovac County. It is located on the Slovene-Croatian border and is surrounded by the Slovene settlements of Malo Lešče, Brezovica pri Metliki and Bojanja vas. As of 2011, the population of Liješće was 37.


Liješće may refer to:

In Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  • Liješće (Brod)
  • Liješće (Srebrenica)

In Croatia:

  • Liješće (Ozalj)