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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
light ale
▪ Half-a-pint of light ale provides about 7% of two B vitamins - riboflavin and nicotinic acid.
▪ We breakfasted in the small refectory of the abbot's guest house on light ale and spiced oatmeal heated with boiling milk.

Usage examples of "light ale".

In those days the place was one big mass of dingy housing projects, ripoff secondhand-car dealers, and old men in pubs drinking bottles of light ale.

I'd also, to be fair, bought a keg of light ale for Krystal, although she only would drink that at night.

The light ale was almost drinkable, and he was tired of water all the time.

Borric ordered a bitter ale for himself and a light ale for the boy, paying from the meagre purse the captain had given him, preferring to keep his more ample purse hidden in his shirt front.

Just a light ale, dont want people thinking Im a heavy drinker, light, heavy, get it, eh?

Sorme returned in a few moments with two lager glasses of light ale, ice-cold from the refrigerator.

Someone got him a tankard of light ale, and someone else shoved a plateful of cheese-topped bread rounds at him, and everyone else at the table acted as if he belonged there, so he simply sat and listened while they thrashed out whatever the problem was.