n. (alternative spelling of life support English)
adj. of or pertaining to equipment or methods used to sustain life
Usage examples of "life-support".
Crew quarters nestled in the upper hull groove, a chrome-silver toroid equipped with lounges, cabins, a small hangar for the atmospheric flyer, fusion generators, fuel, life-support units.
It will be longer and more dangerous than the direct route, but it will keep us basically in high-tech and semitech hexes so the breathing apparatus and life-support systems tailored for this mission will operate.
The fire burns on endless life-support, from Oakland to Kitimat, and Martin Perreault knows with sudden dull certainty that a course has been set for it to follow.
And how puzzled by the microchemical mysteries of a modern life-support system!
Between prayers, he splits his attention between the exigencies of life-support and scholarship.
But more than a century ago, Borgo Prime had been stripped clean of even the least-desirable ore- leaving a spongelike network of interlocked caves, fully equipped with all the life-support systems and transportation airlocks the miners had needed.
Love, courtship, marriage, babies, grandparenthood, senescence, life-support, heavily monitored institutionalized death, and the survivors left arguing about what to do with the chipped china: the old, old human progression would have flowed like hydrogen through the fuel cell of a new 2025 Wuhan Panda.
The sensors of his life-support system, having detected suitable air around him, automatically deactivated the gas-conversion macromolecules in the linings of his throat and nasal passages, and he went on external respiration.
Nobody was manning the communications board, which meant maybe Creighton had rerouted through the sci-deck or Savannah had cross-fed from life-support.
He was standing at the back of the bridge, near the unstaffed auxiliary life-support station.
In front of the rotating life-support zone an ablation shield of neutron-latticed rock capped the spine and protected the human cargo.
A city in itself, the circumferential ring housed the more desirable living quarters, Command Central, Life-Support Control, Gravity Management, Earth Communications General, recreational facilities, assembly halls, dining rooms and even a miniature park with its tiled swimming pool and equi-solar radiation.
In addition, there are anywhere from five to twenty-five levels of offices, theaters, plumbing, air shafts, industrial plants, life-support machinery, recycling stations, and the like, built in shells around that inner section.
If, in the next instant, my life-support system should fail, due to a malfunction that is clearly the fault of the manufacturer, a tremendous amount of heat would shortly escape my protective suit, enough heat to destroy every Atrian in the room.
We were planning a full-scale push to wipe out the last pocket of rogues when a terrorist Alpha unit called Dren introduced a bioagent into the life-support systems of the orbiting satellite stations, killing every Vemlan on board.