n. (alternative spelling of life force English)
Usage examples of "life-force".
Waterstuff of the Seabound by the life-force into a semblance of protoplasminto a carnate pulp that fed on the Sea and took life from it even as it fed on living flesh for the needful elements that the water could not give it.
His life-force was being drained just as the spiritual essence of his church was being drained.
Search it out among these infantile, asynergic sparks of life-force that are Earth’s Pliocene Mind.
Drizzt felt a surge of power run through his arm as his scimitar sucked the life-force out of the wretched creature, but the drow contained the strength, burying it within his own rage, and held on stubbornly.
The opening had been little more than a gopher hole when Joad had first sensed the strong, magical life-force far underground.
What would her channel taste like—what would it feel like as it milked him of life-force?
Inside it he could discern the filaments of iridescence, twisting, dividing, pulsing, recombining, as if each one moved with a life-force of its own.
Within the girl's writhing body, Nestor's flesh put out small hooks to hold itself in position, and needle-like siphons to pierce her innermost veins and arteries, drawing off her life-force while yet it remained.
Even at best she was an insecure vessel of life-force, maladapted, unhelped by her transsexual conversion.
Sufficient unveiling of power that subsequently cascades out of control could well drain those life-forces dry.