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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Liegeman \Liege"man\ (l[=e]j"man), n.; pl. Liegemen (l[=e]j"men). Same as Liege, n., 2.
--Chaucer. Spenser.


n. A male liege (subject of a sovereign or lord).


n. a person holding a fief [syn: vassal, liege, liege subject, feudatory]

Usage examples of "liegeman".

If you become a liegeman to me, it automatically puts you into a relationship with my leige lord, kind of a complicated one.

When he was making plans to take up the war against the Marcomanni, which Marcus Antoninus had fought with great glory, he was told by certain persons that it was by the help of astrologers and magicians that Marcus had made the Marcomanni forever the liegemen and friends of the Roman people, and that it had been done by means of magic rites and a dedication.

I was amongst her liegemen, and am so still, but the incense is all gone and the censer of no value.

That same mad fellow of thenorth, Percy, and he of Wales, that gave Amamon thebastinado and made Lucifer cuckold and swore thedevil his true liegeman upon the cross of a Welshhook--what a plague call you him?

Currently in Jieret Red-beard's service, and feal liegeman to Arithon of Rathain.

The companions learned, too, that certain of Arawn's liegemen had sent war parties across Ystrad to harass the columns marching to Caer Dathyl.

My only unease is that Arawn's liegemen may give battle and turn him aside before he reaches Caer Dathyl.

Some were—we think—mercenaries, and others were liegemen to a Great Lord of some kind.

So when the messenger pounded in on an exhausted horse last night, reporting that one of Tremane's newly-sworn liegemen was under attack by one of his neighbors, the gryphons were blissfully asleep.

Each lord-kin moved in company, possessions well stacked, and the old and the very young riding either on wagons or on the most docile of our mounts, while swordsmen and liegemen of each clan kept on alert to wall them in.