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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Liege homage

Liege \Liege\ (l[=e]j), a. [OE. lige, lege, F. lige, LL. ligius, legius, liege, unlimited, complete, prob. of German origin; cf. G. ledig free from bonds and obstacles, MHG. ledec, ledic, lidic, freed, loosed, and Charta Ottonis de Benthem, ann. 1253, ``ligius homo quod Teutonic[`e] dicitur ledigman,'' i. e., uni soli homagio obligatus, free from all obligations to others; influenced by L. ligare to bind. G. ledig perh. orig. meant, free to go where one pleases, and is perh. akin to E. lead to conduct. Cf. Lead to guide.]

  1. Sovereign; independent; having authority or right to allegiance; as, a liege lord.

    She looked as grand as doomsday and as grave; And he, he reverenced his liege lady there.

  2. serving an independent sovereign or master; bound by a feudal tenure; obliged to be faithful and loyal to a superior, as a vassal to his lord; faithful; loyal; as, a liege man; a liege subject.

  3. (Old Law) Full; perfect; complete; pure.

    Liege homage (Feudal Custom), that homage of one sovereign or prince to another which acknowledged an obligation of fealty and services.

    Liege poustie [L. legitima potestas] (Scots Law), perfect, i. e., legal, power; specif., having health requisite to do legal acts.

    Liege widowhood, perfect, i. e., pure, widowhood. [Obs.]

Usage examples of "liege homage".

This number of fiefs (of which 1800 owed liege homage) was enrolled in the church of St.