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lie doggo

vb. (context slang English) To lie still and quiet in order to avoid detection.

Usage examples of "lie doggo".

You're sure this specimen can't break for the open country and lie doggo?

They are two-faced bits of DNA that can lie doggo all throughout a person's life, acting just as though they were perfectly normal blueprints for body proteins or the switches turning processes on and off, doing the useful work they are supposed to do .

We'll lie doggo as long as we possibly can, in case Cain has a fancy to renew our acquaintance.

He told me to lie doggo in the lodge room and then planned your rescue.

We lie doggo for half an hour, then steam away on a new course at very low engine revolutions - the less racket we make the less chance there is of our being picked up.

While I am sacrificing myself for a principle, Marj can duck into the hidey-hole and lie doggo.