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lie about

v. hang around idly; "She did all the work while he lay around" [syn: lie around]

Usage examples of "lie about".

People tend to exaggerate, manipulate, and downright lie about the subject at hand.

They framed a plausible lie about there having arisen some difficulty concerning the admission of our vessels past the harbor defenses of Savannah, which made it necessary to take us elsewhere--probably to Charleston--for delivery to our men.

I tell you she looked wondrous standing with her back against that wall, her marble face never wincing when I told her all the lie about young de Cressi's death—.

They lie about half a meter below the ground, connected to the surface blades of grass by thin shoots that break at the slightest tug, and connected to each other underground by wiry rhizomes that also break easily, leaving the nuts behind.

First, not wanting her to lie about the aunt, then encouraging her to lie about their friendship.

Sansa could not think why Mother would want to lie about it, so she supposed it had to be true.

There was a shock for cursing or saying anything irrelevant and a double shock when he tried to lie about a word.

Nor can it matter to them whether they lie about singly as they died or were placed after death, or piled together in a corner.

But, since prudence forbade even Kitty to let the trifle lie about in hotel bedrooms, she was obliged always to wear it.

Don't cheat on your taxes, don't lie about your accomplishments, don't pretend to be something you aren't.