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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Licit \Lic"it\ (l[i^]s"[i^]t), a. [L. licitus permitted, lawful, from licere: cf. F. licite. See License.] Lawful. ``Licit establishments.''
--Carlyle. -- Lic"it*ly, adv. -- Lic"it*ness, n.


n. The property of being licit, legalness, appropriateness.


n. the quality of strictly conforming to law [ant: illicitness]

Usage examples of "licitness".

Subsequently William and Adso go back to the scriptorium, William sees something interesting, has a third conversation on the licitness of laughter, but in the end is unable to look where he wishes.

I did not have the heart to make any comment on the licitness of these notions of his.