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LibrePlan is a free software web application for project management, developed by the Fundación para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico de Galicia, dependent of the Ministry of Industry of the Xunta de Galicia. It counted with the collaboration of ACLUNAGA 1 and the financing of the Ministry of Industry, tourism and Commerce and the regional Government of Galicia. The headquarters are located in A Coruña, Spain.

LibrePlan was formerly known as NavalPlan. It was created "to improve management of the production of the companies of the Galician naval auxiliary sector". LibrePlan is designed to respond to needs of these companies and organizational complexity and integration with production processes in the naval sector. However, it is of much more general applicability.

It is written in Java and licensed under Affero General Public License license.