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n. (plural of libertarian English)

Libertarians (Brazil)

Libertarians (Libertários, LIBER) is a libertarian political party in Brazil founded in 2005. It is registered as a civil association and is pursuing the support of 500.000 Brazilian electors in order to obtain full party registration with the Brazilian Electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral).

The current chairman is Bernardo Santoro, from Rio de Janeiro.

Usage examples of "libertarians".

The electronic civil libertarians, however, have proven to be born political animals.

Unlike the other groups in this book, the civil libertarians have operated very much in the open, more or less right in the public hurly-burly.

In 1990, the civil libertarians of cyberspace assembled out of nowhere in particular, at warp speed.

The civil libertarians nevertheless enjoyed the greatest success of any of the groups in the Crackdown of 1990.

The civil libertarians now had their own arcane, untried legal weaponry to launch into action -- the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 US Code, Section 2701 et seq.

On the contrary, the civil libertarians were rapidly gathering strength.

The extreme libertarians who had drawn up the League Constitution had protected ordinary citizens right and left but deliberately placed high officials on a limb.