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n. (plural of libel English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: libel)

Usage examples of "libels".

Whig, he abjured and detested them, and hoped to see the day, not only when they should be deemed libels, but when the authors of such doctrines should be liable to punishment.

Finally, he died in Newgate, where he was imprisoned for various libels on foreign potentates.

Dangerous doctrines were also promulgated from the pulpit, and infamous libels on the British constitution were everywhere circulated.

A clause in the act concerning blasphemous and seditious libels, which decreed the punishment of transportation on a second conviction was withdrawn in the commons, but the penalty of banishment, hitherto unknown in England, was enacted in its stead.

Some printers also and authors of seditious libels they took under their protection.

Walter appears to have collected his information for the Life of Napoleon only from those libels and vulgar stories which gratified the calumnious spirit and national hatred.

He advised him to treat the libels with profound contempt, and do as he and others did, who attached not the slightest importance to them.

It is melancholy to reflect that this nervous susceptibility to the libels of the English papers contributed certainly as much as, and perhaps more than, the consideration of great political interests to the renewal of hostilities.

The English Ministry now spared no endeavours to influence public opinion by the circulation of libels against Bonaparte.

The book was malignant from start to finish, they said, with grievous libels that were totally indefensible.

Which was true, on one level, but on another it seemed like a harmless joke -- because almost every one of the most devastating libels they cited involved my old buddy, O.

Raeburn, and consequently had heard enough of the truth about him to disbelieve the gross libels which were constantly being circulated by the unscrupulous among his opponents.

Duchesneau and his partisans with circulating libels against him, and who say, like Frontenac himself, that the intendant used every means to exasperate him, in order to make material for accusations.

One of the Barkers was pushing a wheelbarrow that, because it was heavy-laden with libels, kept getting stuck in the muck.

Whiggish libels sell best, so industrious are they to propagate scandal and falsehood.