Crossword clues for lhd
LHD can mean:
- Large Helical Device, a major Japanese nuclear fusion reactor
- LHD (Load, Haul, Dump machine), a vehicle used in Underground mining (hard rock)
- Left hand drive, where a vehicle's steering wheel is mounted to the left side of the cabin. Used in most countries where traffic travels on the right-hand side of the road.
- Landing Helicopter Dock, a US Navy hull classification symbol for multipurpose amphibious assault ships of the Wasp class
- Doctor of Humane Letters, from Latin Litterarum Humanarum Doctor, an honorary academic degree for persons with significant accomplishments in fields other than science
- Linear Heat Detection, a type of Fire alarm system utilized in tunnels and special hazards
- Liechtenstein Homeland Service, a defunct corporatist party in Liechtenstein.
LHD (Load, Haul, Dump machine)
LHD loaders are similar to conventional Front end loader but developed for the toughest of Underground mining (hard rock) applications, with overall production economy, safety and reliability in mind.They are extremely rugged, highly maneuverable and exceptionally productive. More than 75% of world's underground metal mines use LHD for handling the muck of their excavations.