Lexell is a lunar crater that lies across the southeastern rim of the huge walled plain Deslandres, in the southern part of the Moon. To the northeast is the walled plain Walther, and to the south is Orontius, another walled plain.
This is a somewhat irregular formation with a wide break in the northern rim. The western rim forms a low, arcing wall, and is overlain to the southwest by Lexell H after passing the rim of Deslandres. The rim peaks along the southeast, then comes to an end at a rugged promontory-like ridge. The interior floor has been resurfaced by lava to the northwest and in sections of the remainder of the floor. There are some low rises and ghost-crater rims in the southeast half part of the interior floor.
Anders Johan Lexell was a Russian astronomer and mathematician.
Lexell may also refer to:
- 2004 Lexell, a main belt asteroid
- D/1770 L1 (Lexell), lost short-periodic comet
- Lexell (crater), a 2.2 km-deep lunar crater