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n. (alternative form of leukorrhea English)


n. discharge of white mucous material from the vagina; often an indication of infection [syn: leukorrhea]

Usage examples of "leucorrhea".

The most prominent symptoms of polypoid growths are hemorrhage, which is almost invariably present, leucorrhea, pain, backache, and a sense of weight and dragging in the pelvis.

My wife was troubled with leucorrhea so bad that we did not know what to do until Dr.

The constipated condition of the bowels, often leads to congestion of the uterus and leucorrhea, followed by uterine debility, prolapsus, excessive menstruation, anteversion or retroversion of that organ.

There is generally tenderness of the uterus, and also leucorrhea during the intervals between each monthly flow.

Vaginal and uterine leucorrhea are essentially different in character, the former being an acid, and the latter an alkaline secretion, and, while the first is a creamy, purulent fluid, the latter is thick and ropy, like the white of an egg.

The sufferer from leucorrhea becomes pale and emaciated, the eyes dull and heavy, the functions of the skin, stomach and bowels become deranged, more or less pain in the head is experienced, sometimes accompanied with dizziness, palpitation is common, and, as the disease progresses, the blood becomes impoverished, the feet and ankles are swollen, the mind is apprehensive and melancholy, and very frequently the function of generation is injured, resulting in complete sterility.

The immediate cause of leucorrhea is either congestion, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina or womb, or both.

Among the organic causes of leucorrhea, are ulceration of the mouth or neck of the womb and tumors.

We have dwelt upon leucorrhea because of its prevalence and in order to exhibit the various forms it may assume.

The vagina and affected parts having been thoroughly cleansed with warm water and Castile soap, as advised in the treatment of leucorrhea, the sponge or cotton should be passed up the vagina with the finger, and pressed rather firmly against the mouth and neck of the womb, which, being enlarged, and, consequently falling below its natural position, will generally be low down in the vagina, and so hardened as to be unmistakably distinguished from the surrounding parts by the sense of touch.

Lotion Tablets as suggested for the treatment of leucorrhea, and repeat the glycerine application the following day or every other day.

When the displacement is sufficient to cause any serious disturbance, the prominent symptoms are a sensation of dragging and weight in the region of the womb, pain in the back and loins, inability to lift weights, great fatigue from walking, leucorrhea, a frequent desire to urinate, irritation of the lower bowel, and derangement of the stomach.

Excesses in sexual intercourse give rise to leucorrhea, producing a relaxed condition of the vagina, upon which the womb rests, and, in this way, one of its supports is weakened.

If leucorrhea is an attendant symptom, the treatment suggested for that condition should be employed.

It may be simple or associated with purulent leucorrhea and hemorrhage.