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n. (context organic compound English) A flavan-3,4-diols; any of a group of colourless chemical compounds related to anthocyanidins and anthocyanins.


Leucoanthocyanidin (flavan-3,4-diols) are colorless chemical compounds related to anthocyanidins and anthocyanins. Leucoanthocyanins can be found in Anadenanthera peregrina and in several species of Nepenthes including N. burbidgeae, N. muluensis, N. rajah, N. tentaculata, and N. × alisaputrana.

Such compounds include:

  • Leucocyanidin
  • Leucodelphinidin
  • Leucofisetinidin
  • Leucomalvidin
  • Leucopelargonidin
  • Leucopeonidin
  • leucorobinetinidin
  • Melacacidin
  • Teracacidin from Acacia obtusifolia and Acacia maidenii heartwoods

Leucoanthocyanidins have been demonstrated to be intermediates in anthocyanidin biosynthesis in flowers of Matthiola incana.

Bate-smith recommended in 1954 the use of the Forestal solvent for the isolation of leuco-anthocyanins.