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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Lethargic \Le*thar"gic\ (l[-e]*th[aum]r"j[i^]k), Lethargical \Le*thar"gic*al\ (-j[i^]*kal), a. [L. lethargicus, Gr. lhqargiko`s: cf. F. l['e]thargique. See Lethargy.] Pertaining to, affected with, or resembling, lethargy; morbidly drowsy; dull; heavy. -- Le*thar"gic*al*ly, adv. -- Le*thar"gic*al*ness, n. -- Le*thar"gic*ness, n.


adv. In a lethargic manner, without energy, tiredly.


adv. without energy; in a lethargic manner; "he hung around the house lethargically" [syn: unenergetically]

Usage examples of "lethargically".

Melanie, still smiling at Stoat, slowly eased the door closed, shooing her hand lethargically at the astonished cop as if he were a bluetail fly.

They were the first creatures Herbie saw when he opened his door each morning, sunning themselves on his stoop or lethargically arranged in the dust beside his house with green webbed feet poking out of their mouths and their eyes popping out of misshapen heads as they tried to swallow frogs.

They touched one another lethargically, she reaching down to toy with his limp penis, he moving his fingers in and out of her sopping cunt.